It may not be summer but the weather is perfect for grilling All Day Long! And if you are like me, you love a nice piece of grilled steak…Mmmmmmmm! Delicioso!
Now usually my big guy grills, but there are times when he is working late and I just want a piece of grilled something. Whether it’s grilled chicken, steak or even veggies, it seems like everything tastes better grilled in this nice weather.
So I finally woman’d up and tried out grilling for myself. Boy am I hooked! Now I spend days researching and watching videos on the best grilling techniques, to make the best dinners EVA!
Needless to say while researching the best techniques to grill, I also came across some of the best tools to grill with. And today I am sharing them with you!
So here we go……. 7 Of The Top Grilling Accessories

- This ThermoPro TP01A Instant Read Meat Thermometer is perfect for a quick thermometer read or for checking the inside temp of your steak.

- Cedar Grilling Planks for great for grilling steak or roasting tomatoes on the grill

- Next on the list of Top Grilling Accessories is the Cuisinart 3-in-1 Burger Press – Not only is is great for creating perfectly inform patties. But the attachments also allow you to create a stuffed burger or sliders. (a hamburger slider on a King’s Hawaiian Roll- can you say OMG!)

- FreshJax Premium Gourmet Spices And Seasonings will have you a grill master in no time. I mean that is the title of ONE of the FIVE seasonings in this grill pack. The others include: Island Spice, Rosy Cheeks, Citrus Pepper, and Bold Bayou! What a variety!!!

- This 20pc Heavy Duty BBQ Grill Tool Set has everything a modest griller needs to create magnificent meals! And it includes a heavy duty aluminum case to store all your precious tools away together!

- Ok ok I know we already have a meat thermometer on Top Grilling Accessories list. But I promise you, if you are a multi tasker or love a nice piece of smoked meat, then you definitely need this in your life. The ThermoPro TP20 Wireless Meter Thermometer allows you to step away from your grill and work on other things, while monitoring the temperature of your meat. For that perfectly smoked roast!

- And last but not least is for our charcoal grillers! We have the Weber 7416 Rapidfire Chimney Starter! STOP wasting your hard earned $ on lighter fluid and pick up this charcoal starter NOW. Not only will you save tons of money but this chimney starter is SOOOOO much better than using a chemical starter on the charcoal you are about to grill your dinner with. Just saying!
And there you have it 7 of the Top Grilling Accessories all in one place for you. Not only do we already have the burger press (and my big guy uses it ALL THE TIME) but I just ordered both Thermometers for him (me…lol ; )) for Father’s Day.
Let Me Know!
Have you used any of these. Which is your favorite? Which will you try out?
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With Love,
