Growing up as a Latina with tan skin, I always thought I did not need to use any sunscreen.
I have always been a sun goddess. I used to bask in the sun all day long until the street lights came on. And even with as much sun as my skin absorbed it never burnt or blistered. And so I always thought “I don’t need sunscreen, because I never get sunburnt”!
Boy was I WRONG! That way of thinking can lead to lifelong skin damage and even worse can be life threatening!
As I am growing in age, I of course am always looking into ways to protect my skin and keep myself looking young.
Don’t get me wrong. I know I am aging and with that my looks will age too, but I don’t want it to happen more prematurely than it has to. So I do what I can to prevent it.
And so while reading up on skin care I learned that the way I looked at sunscreen was so incorrect.
If only I could go back in time and educate my younger self. Unfortunately I can’t. But what I can do is inform you! And that is exactly why I decided to do a post on “Why EVERYONE should wear sunscreen!’
So lets get to it!
Why EVERYONE should wear sunscreen!

Let’s say “No To Wrinkles”
Sun damage is proven to cause photoaging of the skin. Photoaging is premature aging of the skin which creates a breakdown of collagen and contributes to wrinkles. Whether you are fair, medium or dark skin, photoaging can affect us all. Using sunscreen on a regular basis can help to prevent this.
“Yes to smooth skin”
Using sunscreen on a regular basis also helps to maintain an even and smoother skin tone. It does this by helping to prevent discoloration and dark spots that can come from sun damage.
So if keeping your skin looking young and fresh is on the top of your to do list, then you most certainly want to wear sunscreen!
And “Absolutely Not” To Skin Cancer!
And the last but certainly not least, reason to wear sunscreen is to lower your risk to skin cancer! Skin cancer is a very real illness, so much so that WebMd states “Skin cancer is the most common of all human cancers, with 1 million people in the U.S. diagnosed each year with some type of the disease.” With sunscreen preventing 90% and more of the uv rays that cause skin cancer, it is definitely a must wear.
No matter what your skin color is it is vital to use sun protection.
But I know many people with darker skin believe that they have an internal sunscreen due to the color of their skin, and so they do not need to wear any sun protection. While this is not completely wrong it is certainly much farther from the truth!
Yes, the darker the skin the more melanin is naturally produced. Melanin is what gives skin its color. The more melanin skin has the more it filters out UV radiation.
But let me tell you no one is immune to skin cancer. Let me repeat that – NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO SKIN CANCER!
And not only do minorities still have a chance to incur skin cancer, their mortality rate with skin cancer is higher. This is because they usually are not diagnosed with skin cancer until it has advanced and is more difficult to treat.
So even if you have a darker skin color you still have a chance to incur skin cancer and your mortality risk is even higher. Is this a chance you are willing to take?
I hope I have not only helped you become aware of the importance of using sunscreen. But also helped you to make a concrete decision to add it to your daily routine. If so here are a few you can add to your beauty kit.
Let Me Know!
Did you believe the “I don’t need sunscreen because I never burn.” myth like me? What’s favorite sunscreen? Let me know in the comments below!
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