Be Your Own Cheerleader!
Life is a roller coaster and is full of ups and downs. It can be wonderful and inspiring, but sometimes its also terrifying and you feel like you are holding on for dear life, by a just your finger! During those times, when everything seems to be going wrong, simply hearing someone say to you “You are doing an amazing job”, is the one thing you needed to keep you from falling off the tracks. How amazing it feels to have someone give you that vote of confidence, by saying “You got this!”. It can change your whole demeanor. You can be depressed and so exhausted with life. Then someone cheers you on and tells you how great you look today. And all of a sudden you feel like you are on top of the world. Like super hero that can accomplish anything!
But we don’t always have someone there, cheering us on. Nope, no fairy cheerleader following you around telling you how great you are doing at life. It is just you. You and your own thoughts. The positive and the negative thoughts. But why negative if we know how good it feels to hear the positive? This is why it is so critical for you to Be Your Own Cheerleader. Cast those negative thoughts aside! Look in the mirror and be like Cardi “Damn I’m Fine!”. Give yourself a compliment. Tell yourself how great your are doing today. How you got this sh*t handled. Especially during those low moments on this roller coaster called life, because that’s when we need them the most.
Now go out there and Be your own cheerleader!
Let Me Know!
What is your definition of the word Hustle? What are you Hustling to accomplish? Leave a comment below, I love hearing from you!
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With Love,