Breaking Bad Habits and Starting Good Ones
When it comes to wanting to break bad habits or create good ones, we all have good intentions. We want to become healthier, read more often or be more productive. But in the end, it seems like we always fall short.
I know it all too well. There has been many of times I have decided to create a good habit or kick a bad one, just to find myself right back to my old routines in the end. The good news though is from trying and trying again, I have learned some great tips on keeping those good habits and staying away from those bad ones. And I want to share them with you! So if you are ready to make some changes in your life too, then please read on!
- First thing first you have to identify the habit, whether good or bad. What is it you want to change in your life?
- If you are trying to break bad habits you must identify why you have that habit. When and why did you start it? By identifying it you can start to break down how to stop it.
- Next and one of the most important is – You must be ready for change – You have to really want to change, for YOU. Not for anyone else or anything else, but for you.
- You have to make a commitment to yourself and be willing to do whatever you have to do to change, day in and day out.
- Have really powerful reasons why you want to change. These reasons are one of the ways you stayed fueled to keep going through the hard times.
- Keep the right mindset 24/7. Stay Positive. Without the right mindset, failure is almost inevitable.
- Find out what are your trigger points and avoid them. Such as: if your bad habit is eating sweets, your trigger point might be stress. Then you would want to find out ways to reduce/avoid stressful situations.
- Identify yourself as what you want to be- If you want to start a habit of waking up early every morning., start to identify yourself as someone who is an early riser. If the conversation arises to the question on your sleeping patterns, state that you are an early riser. Even if you are just starting out. This helps to get you into that mindset.
- Make a plan – Prepare yourself – have a strategy: Plan on how you are going to break your bad habit or start that good one. What are some healthy dinners you can make? What healthy meals can you pick up when you are out and about and need a bit to eat? Have some healthy snacks prepared for that moment you want a sweet treat. If you want to get into the habit of exercising every day, have a plan just in case something comes up and you can’t make your scheduled exercise time. Is there a plan b time. Or a plan b place. Or a plan c for any type of circumstance that might interrupt your usual workout.
- Start slow. If you goal is to work out 6 days a week. Start with once or twice a week. Then add a day every couple/few weeks.
- Find a substitute- If you are trying to break a bad habit, one great tip is to replace it with a good habit. Every time you want to eat that sweet. Do 10 jumping jacks or read one chapter in a book.
- Keep a journal- Keeping a journal can not only help you pin point triggers. But it can help you to identify what strategies you are using, that are working. Then you can ditch the ones that don’t and implement the ones that do, more often.
- Put it on your calendar – Make it a part of your day. When you put it in your schedule you are more likely to fulfill that obligation
- Track your progress in a visible area. You can create your own habit tracker and stick it up on the wall. Then every day you stay clear of your bad habit, or you do your good habit, make a check mark. It becomes a goal, to go a week , then a month, then a couple months without one day not checked. Because when you see those days not checked, and you know you didn’t stay committed it makes you want to be even more committed.
- Associate yourself with people who have the same habits. If you want to start running regularly, start to associate yourself with people who enjoy running. Not only will you have something in common but you might even find a partner for your morning run. And they can help keep you motivated.
- Be accountable – Tell a friend if you need someone to help you with this. Believe me, having to actually telling someone that you haven’t been staying on track, is one of the hardest things to do.
- Don’t give up – even if you fall off track here or there. Get right back on and keep going.
- Reward yourself with something that will motivate you – What is something you are dying to have, something you have been wanting forever? It could be a skinny black dress, or a cruise, or a expensive/semi-expensive piece of jewelry. Whatever it is, make that your reward and keep a picture of it somewhere you will see it every day.
- And last but certainly not least – Believe in yourself! Wake up every morning and say “I Got This!”.
As I said before, these tips have helped me keep good habits and stop bad ones. I know they can do the same for you!
Let Me Know!
Have you used some of these tips when trying to break bad habits or when wanting to create a good ones? What are some of the things you do to help keep you on track? Leave a comment below, I loved to hear about them!
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